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I switched from Cigarettes to Vaping

I switched from Cigarettes to Vaping

Switching From Cigarettes to Vaping - A Personal Story

After smoking cigarettes for 17 years I decided to attempt to quit, switching to vaping with the end goal of weaning myself down to 0 mg juice and quitting nicotine in general. I struggled for a little while with continuing to smoke while vaping at the same time. I am proud to say that by using the right products I have officially quit smoking cigarettes for 3 weeks and don’t see myself going back.

I literally have zero cravings. Here’s how I did it:

Vape Choice: I have had a few vapes in the past but I found that having a slimmer vape made it easier to keep it on me and use discreetly in spaces where it was allowed. My choice was the Oxva Xlim Pro Pod Kit. Small, easy to use, attractive looking, affordable, and the big bonus was it came with a lanyard making my excuse of “I forgot my vape” non existent. This little beauty’s pods/coils also last a surprisingly long time. I am on week 3 of the same pod and it’s still going strong.

E-Liquid Choice: I was strictly a Sub Ohm girly until I got my Oxva Xlim Pro, at which point with the advice of my fellow employees, I switched to Salt Nic. I found that Salt Nic just “hit” differently, and was more effective in curbing my cravings. Also stronger flavours; such as the Flavour Beast Super Sour line gave me that “throat hit” I was missing from smoking cigarettes. I also started at the highest level of nicotine (20 mg) to help aid in cravings.

Since starting this journey my Mother and my Mother-In-Law have also successfully quit cigarettes by switching to vaping. Both had been smoking for over 30 years, and were inspired to quit cigarettes both from my experience with quitting as well as for their own health benefits. Switching to vaping made quitting an obtainable goal that otherwise seemed to be to daunting with traditional cessation methods.

Ultimately the journey you take will be yours and yours alone and you will have to find the right recipe for your own success. Always remember our knowledgeable staff is here to help you with whatever you need to reach your goals with vaping.

Kelly Fletcher

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More Reading:

New Study Confirms: Flavoured Vaping Products Helps Canadian Adults Quit Smoking

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